Celebrate Global Running Day 2019

Today, Wednesday, June 5, is Global Running Day. Is it a made-up holiday? Well maybe, but it is one of the best! Unlike many made-up holidays dedicated to celebrating guilty pleasures, Global Running Day has the purpose of celebrating running and encouraging kids and beginners to try it.

Don’t get us wrong, we recognize and look forward to National Margarita Day, National Pumpkin Pie Day and of course, National Donut Day! And although we aren’t going to buy you a margarita or donuts, we will offer up some sweet discounts on upcoming races!

Nordonia kNights 5k

Benefiting the Nordonia YMCA and the Nordonia Schools Health and Wellness Committee. The first 5 people save $10.00 off this fast and flat 5k by using promo code GLOBAL10. Once those are gone, the rest can use promo code GLOBAL5 to save $5.00. Offer expires Sunday June 9th. Visit OhioOutside.com/nordonia for more information.

Camp Carl Adventure Run

Yep, you heard right! Camp Carl, in Ravenna, OH, is inviting you to come run their trails and get a little dirty at their inaugural Camp Carl Adventure Run. Join us on Saturday, September 7, 2019 for trails, streams and a little mud. The course will cover 5 kilometers and will have a few fun challenges. All proceeds benefit sending kids to camp. If you don’t win, the kids still do! Post race food, raffles and more. Use promo code OHIOOUTSIDE to save $5.00. Visit active.com for more information.

Under BlueTrail Series

Come run one of Northeast Ohio’s most famous trail races. Many have tried but no one has duplicated it. Use promo code GLOBAL10 to save $10.00 off this series. Offer expires at MIDNIGHT, June 9th. Visit OhioOutside.com/trail-series for more information.

Salt Fork Fall Challenge

Where legends are made. Come race one of the toughest 10 mile trail races in the state. Late start time, tough course, post race food and beer, hoodies, great awards. This is a can’t miss race and sells out every year. Use promo code RUNTHEFORK for $5.00 off. Offer expires June 5th at midnight. Visit OhioOutside.com/salt-fork for more information.

Other Runs (Not affiliated with Ohio Outside)

Great Falls Patriot 5K Run

The Great Falls Patriot 5K Run / Walk / and Kids Fun Run is a fund-raising event in which 100% of the entry fees are used to assist cancer patients who are being helped by the Falls Cancer Club. This is a family-friendly event that will be lots of fun for all involved.  Gather up your family and friends and join us on July 4th. Use code GLOBAL19 to save $5.00. Offer valid through midnight on the 5th. Learn more.



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