Outdoor gear and apparel brand and certified B Corp Cotopaxi, is excited to announce the release of their complete Fall 2021 Collection. Bit before you check out the Cotopaxi Fall 2021 collection, read what is going on with the brand.
In 2021, Cotopaxi is on track to assist 1 million people experiencing extreme poverty by the end of the year through the Cotopaxi Foundation. Thus far this year, they have taken concrete steps to holistically address their impact on the world, becoming Climate Neutral Certified on Earth Day 2021. They offset 100% of their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through third-party verified projects. Additionally, cotopaxi put into place ambitious carbon reduction plans. Of particular note, is their total GHG output, which is definitively low by industry standards due in large part to the commitment to using repurposed, recycled, or otherwise responsible materials in manufacturing. The repurposed, recycled, or responsibly sourced materials can be found throughout Cotopaxi’s entire Fall 2021 collection.
Shop the complete Cotopaxi Fall 2021 collection
New for Fall 2021 is the thoughtfully designed, urban-inspired Cada Día Collection of packs built for the ins and outs of your weekly schedule. All Cada Día packs are made using recycled materials. The Teca Collection adds new styles and colorways for Fall. Made using repurposed materials, Teca is always limited edition, never boring. And last but not least, the Fuego Collection of water-resistant, packable, RDS-certified down jackets and vests adds new styles and colors.
Cotopaxi Fall 2021 Key Styles Include:
Women’s Fuego Down Parka With the retro styling of our classic Fuego, plus extra length for frigid days, this stylish coat is our cold-weather cocoon of choice. When the weather is cold as can be, let this parka’s responsibly sourced 800-fill down and mid-thigh length do the heavy lifting.
Coso 2L Hip Pack – Cada Día Never underestimate a hip pack. This one is made from 100% recycled nylon and brings no-hands convenience to local wanderings and foreign adventures alike. With an easy-to-access main compartment, an interior hanging phone pocket, an interior flap pocket for your wallet or transit pass, and a handy back pocket, the Coso has a home for all the items you like—and need—to keep on hand.
Moda 20L Backpack – Cada Día Load it from the top, take it everywhere. Made from recycled nylon, this versatile backpack stands out for its eye-catching color-blocking and cinch-top closure. What’s more, a suspended laptop sleeve, ergonomic design, and expandable mesh water bottle pocket make the Moda especially compatible for life and work on the go.
Teca Fleece Pullover Sustainably-minded, super cozy, and bright as can be, the Teca Fleece is the cold-weather cousin of our Teca Windbreaker. Great as a stand-alone jacket or midlayer, each Teca Fleece is made from best-in-class, recycled fleece and DWR-treated, polyester taffeta left over from other companies’ production runs. This keeps perfectly good materials out of the landfill, instead putting them in the hands of thoughtful adventurers.
Shop Cotopaxi’s Complete Fall 2021 Collection
About Cotopaxi
Cotopaxi is an outdoor gear brand founded to create sustainably designed products that fight extreme poverty, inspire adventure, and move people to do good. As a certified B Corporation, we believe in using the power of business as a force for social, environmental, and economic good. Our creed, Gear for Good, touches every aspect of our company. Cotopaxi is committed to making all of our gear using recycled, repurposed, or responsible materials by 2025. We allocate 1% of our annual revenue to the Cotopaxi Foundation which awards grants to outstanding nonprofit partners carefully selected for their track records at improving the human condition and alleviating poverty. In 2020, Cotopaxi aided 822,000 people through poverty alleviation programs, and in 2021, we hope to assist 1 million people experiencing extreme poverty. For more information please visit Cotopaxi.com.