Outdoor Gear for Dogs and the Brands that Make It

If you are reading this, then you must love the outdoors, the adventures they bring, and our four-legged friends. These trusted companions also need good gear, relaxing places to sleep, and some fun toys to play with during a little downtime.

Below is a list of our favorite outdoor gear for dogs and the brands that have dedicated themselves to our four-legged friends.

Ruffwear Dog Gear

By far one of the more popular brands when it comes to outdoor gear for dog, and that is all they sell.They also win the award for the coolest name, Ruffwear offers dogs a wide range of gear, including soft travel bowls, packs, collars, leashes, and more. Two of our favorite items from Ruffwear include their hydration pack and dog boots which as re ideal for both cold condictions and host surfaces. Shop Ruffwear.com.

Ruffwear Outdoor Gear for Dogs

The Ruffwear Singletrak™ Pack is a sleek, low-profile hydration pack for dogs that’s ready for any adventure. Featuring two collapsible water bottles, two stash pockets for adventure essentials, and five adjustment points for a customizable fit, the Singletrack is a great option for long days on the trail.

Ruffwear Dog boots

These high-performance boots feature a rugged and resilient Ruffwear-designed Vibram outsole that provides exceptional traction on varied terrain. Breathable mesh upper provides ventilation and keeps dirt and debris out. The closure system combines hook-and-loop with hardware, cinching around the narrowest part of the dog’s leg to provide a secure fit.

Cotopaxi Dog Collars and Leashes

Cotopaxi has teamed up with Wolfgang Man & Beast to create colorful canine accessories that support dog adoption services in their home state. The new line of collars and leashes provide a colorful collar to match your dog’s unrivaled energy and friendship, plus a surprise reminder to DO GOOD. Available in a range of sizes for the perfect fit. Shop the Cotopaxi Collar and Leash.

A colorful collar to match your dog’s unrivaled energy + friendship, plus a surprise reminder to DO GOOD. With this collar, your four-legged BFF will feel “best in show” whether they’re at the dog park, snoozing on your lap, or sneakily drinking out of the toilet.

Keep your pup on a GOOD leash. Perfect for pounding pavement, neighborhood strolls, and routine bathroom breaks, this essential leash will take your dog super far, all while keeping them comfortably close. What are you waiting for? It’s time to take a walk!

Wolfgang Man & Beast

Wolfgang Man & Beast make premium & american-made collars & leashes to make your dog look even more rad than normal! They feature a ton of designs and prints to match your dog’s unique personality & to match their walking style. All products feature a lifetime warranty. We highlighted our favorite designs below. Shop online at wolfgangusa.com.

All week, we work our tails off so that we can get out in the outdoors on weekends. This homage to dusty trails, a forest canopy, campfires, and starry nights reminds us to get outside with our furry friends and explore the great outdoors and to stop looking at our damn phones! 

YETI Dog Bowls and Dog Beds

The brand needs no introduction, and whether you think of YETI as a status symbol or not, one thing is true. They make great gear that works and works well. Guess what? It is not just for humans any longer. You and your 4-legged friend can have matching food bowls and coffee mugs. Breakfast just got a little more interesting! We love the YETI dog bowls and our guess is the dog bed has to be over the top nice as well. Shop YETI.com.

This two-in-one snooze setup is built to meet the needs of our adventure-loving companions. The Trailhead™ Dog Bed features a Home Base and a removable Travel Pad. Your pup will love the cushy pad and pillow bolster, and you’ll appreciate the easy-to-clean materials.

Note: Home Base and Travel Pad are sold as one.
Meet Boomer™. A YETI Dog Bowl designed to be as dependable and adventurous as your best friend. It holds eight cups of refreshing water and tasty treats, and built with double-wall, non-insulated stainless steel making it incredibly durable, easy to clean, and resistant to rust and roughhousing. This bad boy is dishwasher safe, just throw it in and be done, because time is better spent on an adventure.

Kurgo Seat Covers

Maybe this is more of a gift for you, but Kurgo seat covers are one of our favorites and considered a necessity. Kurgo provides a full line of products that helps you protect the seat or cargo area from stains, muddy paws, and sharp claws. Heck, the Loft Bench Seat Cover even works great for dirty bikes, wheels, muddy kids, and filthy adults as well. Shop kurgo.com for seat covers and more!

Your dog has plenty of ways to mess up your cargo area, but let’s not blame it all on them. From greasy chains to muddy clothes, there are lots of things that can leave a mess. Keep things clean with this waterproof, stain-resistant Cargo Cape, with multiple attachment points to keep it from sliding around. But it literally doesn’t end there—it comes with a unique fold-out flap to protect your bumper from scratches and knicks.


Travel, gear reviews, adventure, outdoors, fitness, and lifestyle
