Gear up your kids with these awesome products for going back to school. Best part is you’ll find them in your favorite outdoor gear store. From backpacks to snacks, here are a few items to keep your kids in style, healthy and full.

Are we there yet … I am hungry … How much longer … where is the iPad … sorry we couldn’t resist!

Deuter Junior Backpack

Dueter Packs | Back to School Gear

Backpacks are a necessary for school and, with kids having having to lug around more school supplies than I carry to work, it is crucial for them to have a good packpack. Let’s face it, we aren’t going to to run in cheap shoes, hike with a cheap pack or ride a department store bike, so why should your kids use gear that isn’t fit? A good pack is also great fun when having adventures in the playground, going for a swim in the lake or heading out into the mountains. The Junior from Deuter, has all the grown up features with its fresh new design and is for children aged 5 and above. With new, playful colors, there is something to make the eyes of any girl or boy light up. Best of all it is built with the same quality and design as all Deuter packs including flexible aluminum stays, contoured back and anatomically formed shoulder straps. It retails for $39.00, weighs in under 1lb and is able to hold 1100 cubic inches of gear or school supplies. The Deuter Junior gets an A+.

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Hydroflask | Back to School Gear

Hydration is key, and it’s always nice to have water close by. With stainless steel bottles from Hydroflask and their sport tops, your beverage stays cool all day, and water is just a reach away. No matter what you put this bottle through, by the end of the day your beverage will still be cold. Added perks include: money being saved by not using bottled water, there is less plastic waste, and we all know there is always one kid in school that puts their mouth all over the drinking fountain. No parent wants their kid in line after that.

Pricing starts at $21.95 for the bottle and sport style tops are $9.95.

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Slammers Snacks.

Slammer Kids Snacks |Back to School Gear

Fun, tasty organic snack packs kids can take to school. Seven different flavors will ensure your kids will find a favorite and also give you the ability to mix up the routine. Made from certified organic farms: no added sugar, no artificial ingredients ,so parents can ensure their kids are getting a healthy snack. Do your kids lack a little in the protein field? Check out the Creamy Banana Chocolate flavor that boast 7g of protein. Available in 4-packs.

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New Balance Kids’ 890v5 Running Shoes

New Balence Running Shoes | Back to School Gear

Actually it doesn’t matter what brand of running shoe you go with, just make sure it is quality. A kid can spend 30 to 45 minutes a day running, jumping, kicking a ball and what ever else their little minds can come up with, and that does not include what they do when they get home. When you think about it, chances are they run more then most 5k’ers do on a daily basis. So why give them crappy shoes? Yeah we know they will out grow them but that is still not a good excuse. Any quality running shoe is great, although we prefer New Balance Preschool 890v5. This fun, lightweight and colorful running shoe will be a favorite part of their wardrobe. Mesh upper materials and synthetic overlays work together for causal comfort, supporting the feet while enhancing breathability. An easy closure system with a no-tie design allows a quick entry and secure fit. Rubber on the outsole ensures traction, while the foam midsole absorbs impact.

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Honey Stinger Waffles

Honey Stinger Waffles

These Chocolate and Honey flavored waffles are designed to fit the nutritional needs of kids, sandwiching honey between two thin waffle wafers. As adults we love them and kids will as well. They have no artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, high fructose corn syrup or trans fats. Each waffle is individually wrapped, so it is easy to toss on in a lunch box or backpack. This delicious 80 calorie snack is perfect for kids on the go, on the field or even adults trying to satisfy their sweet tooth! Certified USDA organic. $4.99 for a box of six.

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Kidz Gear Wired Headphones

Kidz Gear Headphones | Back to School Gear

KidzControl™ Volume Limit Wired Headphones protect your youngster from loud noise. The KidzControl, an adult-featured stereo headphone made specifically for kids that use the same high quality components as those used in adult headphones, the headphones deliver extremely rich sound quality for a variety of audio content. Featuring the proprietary KidzControl Volume Limit Technology and a built-in volume control function, these headphones are also the safest headphones available for the little ones. They are a must for children in the computer lab, the car, or hanging out at home. Available in seen colors to match your kids’ personality.

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