you participate in the Global Bike to Work Day Challenge on May 10th, Strava Metro makes your#CommutesCount. Metro analyzes the millions of human-powered commutes uploaded to Strava every week, then partners with urban planners to improve city infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians using anonymized data.
All you have to do to be a part of the Global Bike to Work Day Challenge is ride from point A to point B on May 10th and upload your trip to Strava. The more commutes uploaded, the better the data and ultimately, the better the city. With Strava Metro, you win, cities win and the environment wins. Here’s how it all works.
More than five million rides and runs are uploaded to Strava each week, and in cities, the majority of these activities are commutes. These activities have created trillions of data points on where people actually ride, run and walk in cities.
In 2014, Strava launched a data service called Strava Metro. Since then, Metro has worked with over 70 organizations around the world to understand how more than a half-million bicyclists and pedestrians choose to navigate through cities. Each of these organizations is using the anonymized data to understand the general flow of people across their streets over time.
With data like this, cities can better understand how people choose to interact with the network of roads, bike paths and intersections. The result is improved decision-making, smarter planning, safer streets and more people biking, running and walking. Better data is a catalyst for change.
When you participate in the Strava Global Bike to Work Day Challenge, you have the chance to help create a new and better future for your city and to make #CommutesCount.