The Outdoor Recreation Economy is BIG

It has been all over the news lately, Trump and the public land debate and what is going to happen. One thing we all can agree on is we love being outdoors. Below is a quick overview on how big the outdoor recreation market is, this information comes to us from the Outdoor Industry Association.

Video: The Outdoor Recreation Economy Just Got a Lot Bigger | View Video

In case you missed it, the OIA made a pretty big announcement earlier this week. From the historic 13th floor of the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., and with the help of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson, TRCP’s Whit Fosburgh and REI’s Eric Artz, we released the latest version of the Outdoor Recreation Economy report.

Outdoor Recreation Report

Outdoor recreation is an economic powerhouse. It generates $887 billion in consumer spending and employs 7.6 million Americans. As one of the country’s largest economic sectors, the outdoor industry needs advocates to promote and protect policies that help outdoor recreation thrive. Help us get the word out. Share the Outdoor Recreation Economy report with your elected officials and tell them that your community depends on the outdoor recreation economy. Read More

  • Outdoor recreation in America is a powerful force. How powerful? Try $887 billion in annual consumer spending, 7.6 million jobs and $125 billion in federal and state tax revenue.
  • Research shows that investments in outdoor recreation infrastructure correlate with reduced crime rates, improved education outcomes and lower health care costs.
  • Outdoor recreation infrastructure is invaluable for states and communities that want to grow their economies.


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