UNDER BLUE has partnered with some of the best brands in the world to bring you the best gear, great deals, and specials in one spot. Shop our personal selections, which include editors’ picks, buyer’s guides, and the best deals on outdoor gear and even travel partners, including Expedia.com and Marriott Resorts and Hotels. This list is updated monthly and may contain affiliate links.

Looking for used apparel and gear? Learn where to buy and sell used outdoor gear.


Backcountry.com is an online specialty retailer that sells clothing and outdoor recreation gear for hiking, camping, road biking, mountain biking, kayaking, road and trail running, and more.

Shop Backcountry.com


Recreational Equipment, Inc. is organized as a consumers’ co-operative. REI sells sporting goods, camping gear, travel equipment, and clothing. It also offers services such as outdoor-oriented vacations and course.

Shop REI.com
Learn about the REI Co-op Membership


The only place to find everything Patagonia makes—shop durable outdoor clothing and gear at Patagonia.com. Looking for used Patagonia gear? Learn the Patagonia trade-in Program and where to buy used Patagonia gear.

Shop Patagonia.com

Shop Amazon

Amazon does not need an introduction. While we do not encourage shopping with this e-commerce giant, they are great with delivery and inventory. Also, behind the scenes, there are many small businesses.

Shop Amazon

Used Gear Store

Patagonia Better Sweater

Read our complete list of places to sell used outdoor gear and tips on buying used gear.

Lifestyle & Travel Apparel

Lifestyle & Travel Gear

Outdoor Power

Read about the best portable power stations. Interested in Jackery, check out favorite Jackery power stations and Jackery generators.

Tents, Hammocks & Sleeping Gear

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Travel, gear reviews, adventure, outdoors, fitness, and lifestyle
