Where to Buy Used Outdoor Gear

If you like epic adventures outside, even doing something as simple as hiking or car cmaoping, it requires gear. And gear (along with aeverying else right now) is often expensive. Luckily, there are way around this, and one option is to buy used. But there do you buy used outdoor gear? Well we are here to help, read our tips on where to buy and sell used gear.

Cost and access are the two most significant barriers to entry into the outdoors. Maybe you live in a small town that doesn’t have a gear shop or any resources on where to buy a climbing harness. Perhaps you work a minimum-wage job but still want to get outside.

Patagonia is a great place where to buy used outdoor gear.

Here are 9 places to shop if you’re looking to buy used outdoor gear at an affordable price that has been inspected and is backed by customer service. Check out these brands.

Patagonia Worn Wear

Patagonia’s Worn Wear program does everything from minor patches to fully rebuilt products (vests, jackets, pants) from leftover materials. Or, as Patagonia puts it, “These are clothes made from other clothes.”

You can shop Worn Wear in a couple of ways: online on the Worn Wear site or online or in-store at Patagonia with trade-in credit. Those who choose to trade in their old Patagonia apparel and jackets can get credit to shop for new gear in the future.

Worn Wear also has a mobile van that offers repair services to different cities and events. You’ll meet with a Patagonia repair expert who can repair loose threads, broken zippers, ripped pockets, and more. The services are free.

To access Worn Wear, you can use the “Shop Used” button on the Patagonia website to buy used gear directly from the brand.


Geartrade is a simple-to-use, nationwide platform that connects buyers to sellers looking for outdoor gear. The site looks and browses like a retail site: You can search by type of item, brand, or in a sale section.

You set your price (although Geartrade has an algorithm that gives recommendations based on the newness and quality of gear). You can even calculate and incorporate shipping costs into your listing. (Geartrade takes a small commission cut — 10-13%.)

An interesting feature? If buying, you can offer a seller below the asking price and essentially barter. If you’re selling, you can open up all or some of your listings to accept “offers.” This is an excellent feature if you want to sell specific apparel or gear quickly and are open to buying a piece of gear in a particular price range.

REI Used Gear

Seven months into a global pandemic, REI temporarily halted its annual member garages (usually in-store events where REI members can buy, sell, and trade gear). Now, in addition to REI member sales, the retailer has something better — its online used gear store.

Does that sound marvelous? In theory, it is. You (presumably) are already an REI member, have an account, and like to shop at this retailer, making this one of the easiest ways to shop and save on used gear. (Oh, and returns, shipping, and credit are all super easy in the trade-in process as well.) So that’s all awesome.

The used gear shop (the buying side) includes apparel and accessories like gaiters, sleeping bags, packs, tents, and bike bags. It has a ton of awesome and extensive choices. Last year was the pilot year of REI’s trade-in program (the selling side). It’s not quite the trade-in smorgasbord we hoped it would be, but as it’s the program’s first year, we know it will evolve.

The downside? REI is pretty limited on the items it will take back. (You’ll want to visit the trade-in page and look up the products you have to see if they’re eligible. While many items populate, most aren’t eligible for trade-in.)


Out&Back is newer to the used gear scene (founded in Denver in late 2019), but don’t be fooled. This online retailer has a lot going for it: the extensiveness of gear you can shop for. And the speed at which you can buy/sell and trade.

Like Geartrade, Out&Back offers a platform to buy and sell used gear across 10+ categories and 65+ brands — from camp, hike, and run to bike, climb, and ski. But unlike Geartrade, you don’t have to photograph and craft your own listings on the site. (I like seeing actual photos of the items listed, but Out&Back’s strategy of listing by brand and stock photos makes the process much faster.)

The Pros Closet

The Pro’s Closet is a reputable online retailer specializing in high-quality, pre-owned bicycles and cycling gear. Founded in 2006 by Nick Martin, it has grown to become a trusted source for both amateur and professional cyclists looking to buy and sell used bikes and equipment. Here are some key pros:

They meticulously inspect and refurbish bikes and gear, ensuring they meet high standards before listing them for sale. This gives buyers confidence in the condition and performance of their purchases. With a team of knowledgeable cyclists and mechanics, The Pro’s Closet provides expert advice and customer support, ensuring buyers and sellers alike have a positive experience.

Overall, The Pro’s Closet has established itself as a reliable marketplace for cycling enthusiasts seeking quality, affordability, and a seamless transaction process in the world of pre-owned cycling gear.


Rerouted is a great used gear site. While not as extensive as REI or Geartrade’s used shops, it is still a great resource. If you want to buy only used gear or are trying to find something specific, you’ll want to bookmark all of these to search across sites. Rerouted also seems to have a lot more technical gear (skis, shells, tents, and packs) — rather than tons of apparel — in comparison to other used gear shops.

Rerouted does require sellers to make an account and a listing for each piece of gear, but then they’ll send you a shipping label and worry about getting it into the buyer’s hands. This shop also takes a slightly lower commission than some other sites (10% for each item sold).

The North Face Renewed

The North Face started its Renewed program in 2018. It’s a collection of refurbished clothing remade and ready for adventure. The North Face combines returned, damaged, or defective apparel to make new and functional items. Each garment is inspected, washed, and repaired at the brand’s Renewal Workshop.

The North Face’s used gear offerings include apparel (men’s, women’s, and kids’) and everything from footwear to sleeping bags . Like Patagonia Worn Wear items, The North Face Remade items are backed by a 1-year warranty.

Arc’teryx ReGEAR

Like Patagonia’s decade-old Worn Wear program, brands like The North Face and Arc’teryx have joined the effort. Arc’teryx’s ReGEAR helps keep used and worn gear in play as long as possible. This is part of the Arc’teryx ReBIRD circularity program.

Through Arc’teryx ReGEAR, consumers can buy used pants, jackets, hoodies, waterproof layers, packs, footwear, and shells. The ReGEAR shop carries everything from base layers to fleeces to 850-down jackets. Depending on the item, you can get at least $100 off the typical MSRP.


Lululemon, the popular athletic apparel company, is known for its high-quality activewear. They have a policy called “Like New” that allows customers to return gently used clothing for store credit. This initiative, known as the “Lululemon Reuse Program,” accepts items that are in good condition, offering customers a sustainable way to refresh their wardrobe without contributing to waste. The returned clothing is inspected and, if accepted, cleaned and resold at a discounted price through their “We Made Too Much” section online and in stores. This program encourages recycling and prolongs the lifecycle of their products, aligning with their commitment to sustainability and customer satisfaction.



Travel, gear reviews, adventure, outdoors, fitness, and lifestyle
