With the recent push for more sustainable clothing options, several brands have created programs that allow customers to trade in or sell used outdoor gear and clothing for either cash or store credit. In fact, giving a second life to your old clothes can be a great (and fun way) to make extra spending money and revamp your wardrobe.

Lululemon, a giant in the world of workout gear, recently expanded its “Like New” program, which lets customers bring back their old garments in exchange for gift cards, but they are not alone.

Below are a few brands in the outdoor and fitness markets that can help you sell used outdoor gear or have clothing recycling programs that help you save money on new purchases.

Sell Used Outdoor Gear, Clothing & Apparel

1. REI Used Grear Trade-In

Outdoor goods and clothing retailer REI also developed its own reselling platform. Members of the company’s “co-op” can send in any item purchased at the store for an assessment and receive gift cards for their old gear. Customers can ship gear back through REI’s “Good & Used” program or drop products off at their closest REI shop.

The company also sells used gear on their website and stresses that buying second-hand “typically avoids carbon emissions of 50% or more.” Learn more at REI.com.

2. Patagonia Worn Wear

Patagonia’s Worn Wear program is a great option for reselling clothing or other outdoor items. The company is willing to take back clothing, outerwear, and bags that are still in good condition and functional. Patagonia will even pay for shipping if you don’t feel like making your way to a store.

The company will pay in-store credit for the used items, which will eventually be sold at a discounted rate. The Worn Wear section of Patagonia’s website is also a great place to score a deal on gently used items. Learn more at Patagonia.com.

3. Lululemon

With Lululemon’s Like New program, customers can bring old clothing or items — including shirts, shorts, skirts, hoodies, sweaters, leggings, dresses, bags, and even outerwear — to any Lululemon store to receive a gift card that can be used in-store or online.

The items will then be “refreshed” and resold at a discount. The brand makes a few items that are ineligible for the trade-in program, including intimates, yoga props, swimsuits, and others. The company’s website also shows how much store credit customers can get for each item.

4. Geartrade

Maybe one of the simplest ways to sell used gear, Geartrade can help you unload anything from camping gear to outdoor and fitness apparel. Request a label and fill a box. When they receive your gear, they’ll assess its value. You have 48 hours to change the price or adjust your listing. When it sells, your earnings will go into your Geartrade account. You can Cashout at any time to your Venmo, PayPal, or Bank account (ACH), or use your earnings to shop the site with your store credit. Visit geartrade.com.

5. Madewell

Madewell’s Forever program encourages customers to send back clothes from other brands as well as their own. Customers looking to resell can sign up on the company’s website, print a free shipping label, and send a package containing women’s clothing, handbags, shoes, and accessories to the company.

Through a partnership with thredUP, eligible clothing will be resold, and customers can get store credit. Plus, Madewell will knock $20 off new ones from the store for every eligible pair of returned jeans.

6. The North Face

The North Face is attempting to do their part to protect the environment through their Clothes the Loop program. Customers can drop off used clothing and footwear — of any brand — at participating The North Face retail or outlet stores. The store accepts “gently used apparel” and will give customers a $10 gift card toward their next purchase of $100 or more.

The company will then send the clothing along to a nonprofit partner, Soles4Souls, to redistribute. The North Face notes that they hope the program will do its part to help reduce the 10 million tons of textile waste that ends up in U.S. landfills every year. Since its inception, customers have brought in more than 95,000 pounds of clothing and shoes to the Clothes the Loop program.

7. The Pro’s Closet

While not apparel, the Pro’s Closet is one of the world’s largest use bike stores. Cyclist and enthusiast can sell their bikes online and get credit for future purchases or money. The whole process, including shipping, takes around 7 to 10 days. Once the bike is received, the Pro’s Closet will make any necessary repairs and list the bike on their site. All bikes come with the Pro’s Closet warranty. They also accept wheels and other items. They also make very reasonable offers when selling gear. Visit theproscloset.com to learn more.

The Bottom line on Selling Used Outdoor Gear & Clothing

At the end of the day, the ever-changing apparel and consumer products have led to massive amounts of waste. According to estimates from The North Face’s Clothes, the Loop program, the 10 million tons of textile waste that head to U.S. landfills every year equals about 70 pounds of textile waste per person — and 95% of those items could have been reused in some way or recycled. The above brands are just a few that offer cash or store credit for used clothing.

Be sure to check out our article on Where to Buy Used Outdoor Gear.



Travel, gear reviews, adventure, outdoors, fitness, and lifestyle
